Bottled water seems to be a pure image development were marketers have played a great game in placing the thought in us their market, to create the consumption of unnecessary product(in most cases).
The facts are clear when we see that you can get a liter of petrol for just over $1 but when you’re buying a liter of bottled water, it would set you back around $5 or more... Also it is of great concern that one and a half million people in the US drink and buy bottled water a week and it’s just dumped in the environment and in low economic countries like Indian provinces. Bottled water companies have set this marketing ploy to push people to buy bottled water at a toll that no one is aware: our ecosystems. Marketers have manipulated our thoughts towards tap water, making it vile and low when the reality is that our bodies become stronger and healthier by consuming regular waters instead of treated purified ones.
The industrial community firstly should be concerned with controlling the amount of bottled water waste and generating solutions to recycle all water bottles. Secondly designers need understand why consumers buy bottled water and provoke change in how consumers view tap water and provide solutions to aid drinking of tap water.
At the end, the consumption of the product is no the issue but the container this one comes in. The future will be to challenge the market’s values and make them appreciate the need either choose a eco-friendlier option of deny the continuation of wastage.
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